Tuesday, March 11, 2014


 we are watching these systems with weary eyes...and hearts.

We have been spared this year (so far) and we have not had any cyclones affecting us directly....
cyclone Evan is still fresh in our memories!!

But , we are always getting ready and prepare for bad weather (just in case)  and with the new kids just arrived...well, one can never be too complacent!

Our 'kitchen' is like any other kitchen - the heart and soul of everything.
In our case (at this stage) it is also the office, the lounge, the gathering place....it is everything!
But alas, we have to take precautions and Claude has once again stripped it bare and packed EVERYTHING away.....
(cooking is not fun in these conditions , i tell you!)

At least we know we are not alone...all over the world are storms and gales and floods....and many people in less fortunate positions....think of them!



the farm has a few

The first kid arrived !!

and Mary had 2 again!!

and DYNAMITE is now the new KING of the castle!

and so life continues.....

Friday, March 7, 2014

beautiful flowers and fruit from the farm....

This post will be without words.....the photos speak for themselves....

horsey days....

some days are just...horsey days..... 

our new puppies are not water dogs ! they rather watch......

 I must remember to make a post about this horse cart.....another one of Claude's bright ideas!
Carina found Joe abandoned and neglected.....She brought him to the farm and he is now a different  animal.

Plenty of grass, lots of attention (and love) , the sea.....what could a horse ask for more?

 Carina doctored the saddle sore on Joe's back and a new nip on his thigh (the work of my stallion Roza).
                                             Amazing stuff    Manuka Honey.

after the rain...

Had such a downpour this afternoon!  
 But ,

the most glorious rainbow to make up....

NATURE in all her splendour....

new kids for 2014!

The first one has arrived !!!

Cappacino had her first kid this season and we also had a cloud burst this afternoon - everything was under water...for a while.

Last year Cappacino  had ...
                                               yes, wait for it -


I wonder what we should  call this one?